I've been hearing and learning a lot about freedom lately. Here's a verse I was reading and thinking upon today . . .
You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love. Galatians 5:13This whole thing of freedom is great. I am no longer bound to the legalistic chains that bind. I grew up with a horrible double standard.
"Don't listen to secular music." I was told this while many in the church secretly listened to secular music, but told no one because they'd be looked down upon.
"Don't listen to contemporary Christian music." It was treated as if it were of the devil, yet those people that shamed it were listening to secular music. Hmmm, I'd rather be listening to contemporary Christian music that uplifts the Lord then to hide my secular music in shame. These rules just make no sense.
"Men should not wear shorts." One time my husband came straight from work to a men's softball practice and he was wearing knee length military shorts. The pastor came to him and asked him not to do that again. Also, at one time the church/Christian school had a note on the door that said, "Thank you for not wearing shorts inside our building." This was by far the worst one ever! We used to have a van that would go around and pick up Marines for church. If the van driver saw Marines walking down the street, he would just stop and ask if they wanted to come to church. Of course, they were usually wearing shorts since they were out walking. Imagine how badly it made them feel to be invited to church, but then get there and see that sign. A few years ago, I found out that the school's boys' basketball team was wearing knee length basketball shorts. I was pretty much livid. It made me so angry that they had shoved these rules down my throat, put up signs, and shunned others that wore shorts, but suddenly it became ok. Whatever!!!! I do not have a problem with people wearing shorts, but don't shun them for it and then say it's ok. Geez!
Now, there are some issues with freedom too. Some people take it as a license to do whatever they want. If you'll look at the verse above again, you can see that it says,
"in your freedom, do not indulge in sinful nature".
Jesus replied, "I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave of sin." John 8:34