I pledge allegiance to the Lamb, with all my strength, with all I am.
I will seek to honor His command. I pledge allegiance to the Lamb.
Thank you for giving to the Lord. I am a life that was changed.
Keep me near the cross. Near the cross. May I never stray so far that I cannot see what flowed down for me at the foot of the cross.
Today I opened an email and learned that Ray Boltz has publicly announced he's living a homosexual lifestyle. It's easy for some to point their finger of shame at him. It's also easy for others to point their finger at me and call me judgmental. That's your choice, but that's not the point of all this. My heart is truly grieved for him and his family.
You see, Ray Boltz is the father of four children and he was married to his wife for 33 years before officially divorcing his wife this year. Personally, I can't imagine what I would do if something like this were to happen to my family. It would be devastating for sure.
Not only was he a father and husband, but as I said earlier, he well known for his songs and the lyrics to his songs. I am disappointed that he has chosen to break up his family, to follow a sinful lifestyle, and also that he has destroyed his testimony and condoned the homosexual lifestyle.
I certainly am not living my life to please others, so if stones are cast my way because I speak the truth, that's fine. I can live with it. I'm just sitting here wondering how his choices are going to affect others and their choice.
If you're interested, here's a link to a ministry that helps homosexuals. Stephen Bennett was a homosexual for many years before turning his life over to Christ. He has an amazing testimony.