Saturday, November 29, 2008

Confused at God's Purpose

Have you ever wondered why God put you in a particular circumstance? I don't mean a random occurence, I mean when you know that you've followed God's plan and you still have no idea what the purpose was. I hope that makes sense.

I'm in such a place right now. God called us to a place for a short amount of time. We uprooted our family and we worked so hard while we were there. It was exhausting. Now, we're moving on and I'm happy about it, but I'm left wondering why God would call us to a place for such a short time.

Have you ever felt this way?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Satan's On My Back Tonight

Tonight I feel like a failure
Satan is all over my back
He's bringing up dirt he has on me
And I'm under such attack

He knows the wrongs I've done
And the mistakes I've made
He's using them to hinder me
In my guilty thoughts I wade

I know that Jesus loves me
And I know that He died for me
I love Him and I serve Him
I'm clinging to His truths to set me free

Satan has no hold on me
I'm clinging to those thoughts
I know tomorrow will be better
I just have to remember the cross

2008 copyright by me

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Happy Veteran's Day!

Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.
Psalm 33:12

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Obama is Not the AntiChrist

Obama's charisma and ability to pull the wool over people's eyes sure does leave a lot of people with the chills. He certainly does give me the creeps and he leaves me wondering of his role in end of time events. However, we must be truthful and obedient and seek God's word in this matter, rather than spreading rumors. Check out his article at Pursuing Holiness.

Four Biblical Prophecies That Show Obama is Not the AntiChrist