Tuesday, June 22, 2010

God's Kindness Leads to Repentence

I've mentioned before about growing up in legalism. Words cannot describe for me the tightening feeling I have when I think of it. It truly brings about a physical feeling within.

Religious people do like to make long lists of rules. I grew up with the long list of rules. Sing hymns, check. Wear skirts, check. Don't smoke, check. Wear a suit and tie to church, check. Ugh, it makes me nauseous. Jesus had the final say, so why are people trying to add to his word? Religion only leads to despair and hopelessness and makes us feel inadequate. Religion brings arrogance and pride when we accomplish the list of rules. Jesus brings humble joy.

When I watched this video with Mark Driscoll I felt that tightening feeling, but also felt so relieved and happy that I am no longer a part of legalism's bondage.

God's kindness will lead us to repentence. Romans 2:4

We love because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19

Kindness by Chris Tomlin

Open up the skies of mercy and rain down the cleansing flood
Healing waters rise around us and hear our cries Lord, let 'em rise

It's your kindness Lord that leads us to repentence
Your favor Lord is our desire
It's your beauty Lord that makes us stand in silence
Your love, your love, is better than life

We can feel your mercy falling, You are turning our hearts back again
Hear our praises rise to heaven, and draw us near Lord, meet us here

It's your kindness Lord that leads us to repentence
Your favor Lord is our desire
It's your beauty Lord that makes us stand in silence
Your love, your love, is better than life

1 comment:

hitsnooz said...

Hi...I ended up at your blog accidentally, but I enjoyed it:) I agree with you, and Mark Driscol, that legalism and religion are not the goal-Jesus is the remedy to our sin and nothing and no one else. I was mindlessly typing in my own blog address, which is similar to yours. Mine is seekinghimdesperately.blogspot.com I'd love for you to check it out sometime. Also, I see it's been a while since you posted...I know it can be tough when you've let a lot of time go by, but I bet God's given you plenty to share in the meantime:] I'll be back t see if you've added anything new, lately. Keep on lovin' Jesus, and people:)